An Assessment of Unintended Effects

In my pregnancy days, I worried a lot, too much, about whether or not I’d be able to return to my pre-baby weight and form.  I even started to give clothes away that were sizes that I thought I’d never fit into again.

During pregnancy, I stressed that I’d be over weight, sleep deprived and demotivated.  I really felt like a piece of me was going to just shrivel up and die.

What I realized this morning is that it might have been a bad idea to get rid of those clothes.  Because I am back to former self.  In fact, I’m a new improved version.  Physically, I’m actually thinner, which I’m thinking is a result of the breastfeeding.  My chest is bigger, which I know is a result of the breastfeeding.  Mentally, I’m more focused, because every second away from E has got to be worth it.  I’m not going to the gym anymore to just go through the motions.  I’m making it count.  Go big or go home (and play with my baby).  I’ve got a renewed sense of drive and a need for personal achievement as well as spirituality.  Something that I’m praying E adopts in his own life. And I’m just happier.  I love my husband but there’s something about coming home to a baby who gets so excited to see you that he might wet himself (which is entirely possible).

Am I tired?  Yep.  I have good days and bad days, just like any other mother but when you realize you get to go shopping again in your own closet, you get a little excited.  I’m getting to pull clothes out that haven’t seen the sun in two years and they are still fashionably acceptable.  It’s a win, win. 

Bottom line, life is good.

2 responses to “An Assessment of Unintended Effects

  1. good. 🙂
    now you have an excuse to go shopping. 😉

  2. Love this, love reading happy thoughts 🙂 And so true.

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